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1. To let students experience the form of UN conferences and learn to think about social issues from different countries' perspective.

2. To enable students from different nationalities and ethnicities to interact, strengthen friendships and create memories.

3. To promote international amity and enjoy the camaraderie among fellow students.

4. To provide students with an in-depth knowledge of Chung Ling High School, Penang and Malaysia.



1. 让参与此营的学生们体验联合国会议的形式,并学习以不同国家的角度思考世界议题。

2. 让不同国籍,文化背景的学生们建立友谊,并创造美好的回忆。

3. 推广并鼓励学生们建立跨国,跨文化,跨语言的友谊,并享受在其中。

4. 让参与此营的学生们能够深入了解锺灵中学, 槟城和马来西亚。

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