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Arrival Information

  1. Upon reaching Penang, you will be greeted by the organisers or persons designated by the organisers. Should you need any assistance at the airport, (eg. missing luggage or any other personal items), you are advised to ask the organisers to attend to it immediately.

  2. You are encouraged to bring along a mobile phone so that you are reachable at all times. Provide your contact number to the organisers. Mobile phones in Malaysia use 900/1800MHz for GSM and 2100MHz for WCDMA.

  3. You will be transported to the place of accommodation. You need to register and verify all your particulars at the secretariat counter before you settle into the designated room.

  4. You will be informed of your group and the facilitator in-charge.

  5. For your own safety, you are required to wear the ISC name tag at all times. 

  6. You will also be given a briefing on safety by the organisers.

  7. You are advised not to leave the "Official Place Of Accommodation" without being accompanied by any of the organisers.

  8. Kindly declare your medical needs or specific treatment needed at the secretariat counter upon registration. Kindly seek assistance from the organisers in case of an emergency. Contact numbers are printed on the reverse of the name tag.



  1. 当你抵达槟城时,工委将在现场迎接你。届时请与对方互相确认身份。若你在机场需要任何援助(如遗失行李、购买日常用品或小吃等),请即刻通知有关工委。

  2. 我们也鼓励营员携带手机并把联络电话号码交予主办当局以方便随时联络。马来西亚所用的频率为 900/1800 MHz-GSM 和 2100 MHz-WCDMA。

  3. 当你抵达住宿地点时,你必须到秘书处登记并确认个人资料无误后,才前往各自的房间。

  4. 我们将会向营员说明有关各组组员的分配及介绍相关的负责工委们。

  5. 在交流营期间,营员必须佩戴主办当局所分发的名牌。

  6. 在交流营正式开始前,我们将会有一个有关自身安全的汇报会。

  7. 未经允许,营员们不可擅自离开营地。

  8. 若遇到问题,包括身体不适或需特别的药物治疗,必须立刻向工委报告以寻求协助。所有相关的紧急联络电话号码都印在名牌背面。

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